Jon von Kowallis 寇志明 has done video interviews on the occasion of the publication of his monograph Weimiao de Geming​《微妙的革命:清末民初的“旧派”诗人》 on late-Qing  poetry(晚清诗)

| 29 Apr 2021

Jon von Kowallis 寇志明 has done two new video interviews (one in English and one in Mandarin) on the occasion of the publication of his monograph Weimiao de Geming​《微妙的革命:清末民初的“旧派”诗人》(北京:三联书店) on late-Qing  poetry(晚清诗)by Sanlian Shudian (Joint Publications) in Beijing, considered the top commercial publisher of academic books in China.

The book explores the entry of modernity into Chinese literature during the 19th and early 20th centuries through the vehicle of classical-style poetry, arguing that a modern consciousness was articulated in Chinese literature earlier, or at least conterminously, with that in the West.

The author also discusses other aspects of his life and career, including his study of the founder of modern Chinese literature Lu Xun 鲁迅 (1881-1936) with Dr Lim Wah Guan 林华源.

Here are direct links to the videos:

Chinese version

English version